Sunday, November 8, 2015

The Hardest Week YET

Hey hey!
  So Saturday and Sunday we had stake conference for the Papeete stake. Elder Nielson of the 70 came and spoke. The conference reminded me of why I came on a mission. 

  During the  Saturday night session of conference we watched the "Hark all Ye Nations" music video from the church's June 2013 missionary fireside. As I watched a flood of memories came back to me. I watched that June 2013 fireside when I was at BYU, staying at Wyview, which at the time was a part of the MTC. I was 17 and being so close to missionaries, all I wanted to do was go on a mission but I couldn't, because I was too young. 

  Then here I am 13 months into that dream. "Is it really what I have expected it to be? Am I doing what God needs me to be doing?" Those were some of my thoughts as I watched that music video. 

  I don't know why I am sharing that, but I think this time is just going by way to quickly. And to be honest this week was one of the hardest weeks I have encountered yet on this mission. 

  BUT, as always we saw some miracles. 

  I have been praying for God to led us to the people He needs us to meet, or that He has prepared. Heirani was the epitome of that. 

  She was a reference from one of our ward missionaries, because I was talking to Teanau, our ward missionary, and she was asking me about a ton of old amis and I had no idea who they were, because I am new here. I asked Teanau to make a list of all these old amis she was talking about. 

  So we got the list and went out to see Heirani Thursday. We were about not to go out, because my companion was feeling sick, but we decided to go anyways. 

   We didn't know exactly where Heirani lived, but we asked a teenager who was selling mangoes next to the road and she led us right to Heirani's apartment. It was incredible how effective this finding was.

  Then we got to Heirani's house and the door was already open and she invited us in. It was like magic. Come to find out Heirani knows the church is true, but her contact with the missionaries was cut off of like 4 months, because we forgot. During those 4 months she has been wondering how she can really put God first in her life, because she isn't married yet. 

  Then we got to talk about putting our trust in God by keeping His commandments and Deut 31:8 for a motivation verse. It was great. The Spirit was strong. I knew God wanted us to meet Heirani, because she hadn't stopped praying, even thought the missionaries stopped coming. 

   Another miracle we had this week was with Ariirata. He is 16 and preparing to get baptized, to make a covenant with God. He started reading the Book of Mormon everyday before going to school. He loves praying to in like every lesson. 

   I am so touched, because people are still progressing, even if I don't feel "in form." That was one of the biggest tender mercies I have felt and seen this week. Because since I have left Takapoto, I feel like my heart has just been ripped out, but now it has to be put together somehow. And that can't stop me from doing what God needs me to do here in Papeete. 

  The other huge tender mercy I personally saw this week was getting a note from my mom. I had an extra journal I gave to one of the sister who was emergency transferred this week and the note was in the journal. In short I got the note right when I needed it. It was unexpected and wonderful, evidence for me of Heavenly Father's love. 

  That it all I want to say. It isn't easy, but it will work out. This is His work, and nothing is going to stop it. 

  I love you all. Heavenly Father loves you too. 

Soeur Campbell

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