Monday, December 28, 2015

Merry Christmas, Joyeux Noël

Joyeux NOELLLLLL!!!!!

It is time.


I stepped in dog poop this week and killed two cockroaches. We also woke up to maggots who invaded our garage. 


There is a fruit that grows on a little island called TUBUAI. They are red a super good, but to buy them here in Tahiti they are expensive. One of the elders in our zone is from that island and gave us a whole Walmart bag of litchis. They were so good. If we were to buy the Walmart bag's worth of litchis it would have cost us like 50 dollars. 


Mike is our ami, who is getting ready to be baptized. Yesterday he sang in the Christmas choir.  My companion and I were super proud of him. I know it helped him strengthen his testimony. 


We fasted with Anitia this week.  She is trying to quit smoking. Saturday after the ward Christmas party we fasted with her. And it went really well. Then we broke our fast with some sea food that Brother Makeroto had caught. We ate crab and clam and cigale (a flat crab-like animal).  


Sister Bluker and I have worked with two different sisters this week as they were being transferred out in the islands and needed a place to stay. We were assigned to do it too. Sr. TUPEA was with us only one day before she went out to HUAHINE (an island not far from BORA). Then Friday we receive Sr. TEORE who will be with us until the end of December. She will go to an island not far where I served in TAKAPOTO called AHE. 

Sr. Bluker and I continue to stay tight through it all. 


For our ward Christmas party, they roasted 3 baby cows. It was awesome. I felt like I was in Johnny Lingo.  


There is a part of the island that was flooded and people have not had water or electricity and there were houses destroyed. Sunday we gathered up our extra food in the house and donated it. I am not sure of all the details, but it felt great to help them out. especially during Christmas.

Happy birthday! I love you lots. I can't wait to skype with you Friday. You are truly incredible and my number one man! 


I know the letter was short, but I hope ya'll stay warm this Christmas and remember the real reason for the season. 

Soeur Campbell

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