Friday, April 3, 2015

Transfers, Car Adventures and Everything In Between

So I didn't get a transfer call!! I get to stay here in Tipaerui. That isn't normal - that is for this mission. I'm pretty sure everyone else I came out with from the MTC has gotten transferred, either this transfer or last transfer. Regardless, I am excited to stay and work here. 

  Tuesday night we had dinner at one of our ward member's homes. They have a handicapped daughter and are going to Los Angeles for her to have therapy for 6 weeks. Last month when we were at their house they were in search of housing for those 6 weeks in America. That is hard to do when you don't know the area. I had a thought than to give them my super awesome mom's contact info because my mom is good at that kind of stuff. I didn't give it to them then. 

Thankfully there is something called second chances - once in a while and we were over there again and they still hadn't found housing, so I gave them the contact info. I guess my mom helped them and just like that they have a place to stay. Because of that act of service, the parents (who are going with her to America, the grandparents of the daughter getting therapy, and aren't members of the church) of the member invited us, the missionaries, over for dinner. Who knows what will happen, but surely service and love breaks down barriers.

  Yesterday Sunday we had a little miracle. We did contact a man whose wife actually wanted a Book of Mormon. You have to climb up maybe 20 stairs to get to their house. We always pass their house on the way up to another recent convert's (Tiomato and Kuluni's) house. We always pass and say "Iaorana" or "bonjour" and continue our way up the ton of stairs (like 2 times more than the RB stairs at BYU) to get to Toimato and Kulani's. We came and started talking with this man and gave him a Book of Mormon and engaged him to read 3 Nephi 11. He said he would do it yesterday. Later on this week will we be going back over there to follow up. I am excited. 

  Saturday night Sr. Reyelts took us to the restaurant. I have literally not been in a restaurant for 6 months. It was really nice to get out. I feel like I have forgotten table manners since I got here, though. 

  Also Sat. we went to the stake center to watch the women's conference. Some other sister missionaries and I ended up in the bishop's office trying to watch it in English. The internet  connection wasn't that good,  so we got through half of it, but I have never been so grateful to listen to conference in English and the speaker's real voice in my life. I'll probably watch the other sessions in English if I can too, because if not I may just fall asleep. Oh yeah, here we watch general conference live. That means the sessions are at 6am and 10am. We will be going to both Sat and Sun 6am sessions and going hopefully to the stake center to watch it. We have been committing investigators to go to conference for like three weeks now. I really hope they come and see it.    

  It has been summer here since like February and March. Those are the really hot months. I hope we are coming out of summer, into like a small cooler change in temperature one day, but Tahiti's temp like never changes. 

  Yeah, Easter here is not a huge thing. They just sell chocolate in the stores. We have no plans for Easter. I don't really know when Easter is here. They have like the Friday before and Monday after all holidays, but IDK really why. Everyone is off from school right now. 

   My mom asked me if people do family history here and the answer is a HUGE YES YES YESS!! They have this initiative going on where they want each member to find their 3 generation grandparents. That is a huge start because it is not cultured here to keep records really. They call that intuitive the "15 on 15," because including you and your grandparents in makes 15 people you need to find. All of our recent converts are active in the family history and have taken their family names or will take the names to the temple. We were at Toimato and Kulani's this week and I offered to help them input info on FamilySearch because they don't know how to work it, but Sunday they just had a huge 3rd hour about how to do that. Idk if they still need help yet, but I will be following up, because it is a good thing to help and it would be fun to do missionary work in that aspect a little. 

  Today we did a service project. We helped clean out a shed for an old Mami (granny). We did it with our zone and it was fun to get out and serve. 

   And we totally had an adventure with our manual car today. We started the day with it being out of battery. We manually jumped it by putting it in 2nd gear and just pushing it really fast. It worked, no jumper cables or anything. Then our driver (Sr Jarman)  got transferred so my comp, Sr. Marrett took the wheel. It had been forever since she had driven but she made it work. Normally we are on bikes, but we need the car to do like anything on P-day (as in go to the store, the post office, or the distribution center). Yeah, discover new things each day.

   Ok y'alll. Best of luck this week. I guess it is Easter, so happy Easter. Enjoy conference and if you don't know what that is everyone can watch you just go on LOVEE YOUU!! BIZUUEESSS! (Kisses from cheek to cheek)

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