Sunday, January 25, 2015

Tahiti Week 6

Hi guyyysssss!
   So I just want to start out by saying that missions are the bestest hardest thing ever. If you are planning on going, get pumped and ready to work! Also read PMG as much as you can. You will NOT regret it at all and just try. Enjoy seminary and religion classes and learn from them. Learn as much as you can, but more importantly, live what you learn. Pray and ask if things are true. Gain a testimony yourself, because that is exactly what you will be asking other people to do. It only makes sense to do it yourself too! Also if you plan on being an obedient missionary, start by being obedient now. Use the strength of the youth and follow it. Building that habit of obedience will make things much much much easier. kk Good luck!!
    So I sit here thinking of this week and am like wow, so much happened, but I don't really know what to write. 
  Lets start with a funny story. Maybe Tuesday or Wednesday we were in a lesson with Elvina. Elvina has had the lessons for quite some time and she has a daughter who is a member. We are currently trying to work with her and her boyfriend (here we call them concubines, and it isn't rude, like that is what they call them too) to have a marriage date as a step to have an eternal family. I was trying to do a "follow-up" with the status of the marriage date and also how was her Book of Mormon reading, but we had to resolve some concerns first. We have been trying to emphasize to reach a big goal you have to make little goals and complete them to get there. I had the idea in the lesson to find the "by small and simple means" scripture in the BoM. I pulled out my nifty little 3x4in English BoM my mom gave me years ago that I keep in my backpack. I looked in the index to find the reference and found it as Alma 37:41. I just saw like the one line in the back of the book and that was what I wanted. Then we were all reading the verse and I saw the word "paressuex" or something like that, which is lazy in French. Then I looked up the whole verse in English and sure enough, it talks about by small and simple means and then how laziness prevents the small things from happening. I felt so bad, but everyone thought it was FUNNY. Oh it was a good laugh, but totally called out the amis. Good thing she is like suppppeerr down to earth and thought it was funny too. I tried to explain it was a sign. Then we tried to apply the scripture, which was perfectly applicable. That was probably like the best laugh I have had all week. 
  I definitely got food poisoning this week. A member bought us dinner and dropped it off and it was chicken from the little market. They will cook little meals and put them in plastic trays and sell them here, but they don't get refrigerated and don't stay warm. So I was really hungry and warmed up the food and ate the chicken and I am pretty sure that is what made me sick. I didn't eat much Friday and Saturday because you can't. Now I am okay, but don't really want to eat the chicken here anymore, but that is just TOOO bad because chicken is a staple. We had it at our dinner yesterday and I was fine, so there is hope!
  We rode our bikes a lot more this week, which I love because it means we get places faster and do more in one day. 
  We also received a little miracle with Leila (our ward mission leader's wife, who has been taking the lessons with the missionaries on and off for 14 years, but just recently started reading the LDM in Oct and she is already in Alma), we have been working with her to get an answer if the church is true. She has been praying. She asked us the question, "What if I am not getting an answer because I am not worthy." I was like no that is not the concern at all, because she is worthy of an answer, all of God's children are if they want it. I felt inspired to answer her question with a question of, "maybe you should ask this question to yourself, 'If I were to get an answer, would I be willing to act upon that answer?'" I think she really thought about that, because she really wants an answer. It was a miracle I was able to ask that and she understands. I tried like re-saying it to my companion after the lesson in French and she just didn't understand. It is crazy how God works like that. He will help me to accomplish His will, no exceptions, no obstacles. I know He will make it happen. As soon as we leave lessons and things like that it is soo much harder for me to understand French and stuff like that. 
  I don't know what else to write. I really like this area. It is considered like "in the city." But lets just make this clear: American city life is not Tahiti city life. Things are really relaxed for city life and there aren't any big skyscrapers. There are some factories in our area. We always see the cruise ships in their port. The cruise ships port really close to here. People don't have addresses here. There is one main road and they live in little streets off of it called "quartiers" which is a neighborhood in English, but they are more like little "one way" dirt roads with houses on the side of them.
  We did our sondage (survey) on Saturday and it was pouring rain. Soeur Richards and I got soaked. I was praying we could talk to at least 1 person, because usually when it rains people sleep. There was a lady who accepted us in our soaking clothes and it was just so nice to talk with someone. Then it was all worth it. I didn't really care if we got wet. 
  We read 3 Nephi 11 with Toimato and Kulani (they have a little baby and have a baptismal date for 14 Feb). As we read I really noticed that the Nephites didn't recognize the Savior at first either. 3 Nephi 11:8 says, "they thought they had seen an angel." It seems that all the people who were supposed to recognize Jesus Christ as their Savior didn't even in the Bible. The whole 400 or something pages before that event in the Book of Mormon are prophesies of that one event, yet they didn't recognize him. Ohhh so interesting. 
      I just saw my first poisonous centipede right here in the clerk's office. Ughhh. I didn't want to try to kill it because I knew the centipedes in GA are sooo HARD to kill and I didn't want to upset it. Sr. Taputea (who lives in the house with me) just killed it! Thank goodness. It was easier to kill than I thought! Now I can type in peace. 
     I think today we will go to Polynesian Trading Center and get some American cereal. I am soooo excited to get some fooooooddd! We ran out again of food this week. Good thing we got more money in our accounts!!! 
   Ok, that is all for now! Have a great week. Do your best! Remember who you are and that you can become. 

Soeur Campbell

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