Alright, here I go again! :) For the last week my high school has been on Spring Break and today we went back to school. I started my day driving to the church with my mom and sister to go to seminary. Seminary, a daily scripture study for LDS youth in high school, in Georgia starts at 6:55 am. Each year we study a different book of scripture. This year is the New Testament. There are about 40 kids that go to my high school who wake up every school day to attend. I have found as I attend seminary even when it may be hard to wake up my day goes by smoother and I am more likely to accomplish things. Today in this class we discussed 1 Timothy 5 and 6, about how money can be a distraction. I liked what verse 7 of chapter 6 said that "For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out." I just thought to myself, "Almost all success is based off of money and what kind of job you have, but none of it matters when we move on from this life. Why are we so blinded by it. I do it too, but clearly we can't leave with that. Shouldn't it be obvious there must be something more?" OK. So that was the start of my day.
Going back to high school today was crazy! I am anticipating moving on, but I still want to enjoy it. In AP Psychology we learned about personality disorders. The Ap test is coming up soon and our class is so behind. I am grateful though the teacher delivers the lectures in a captivating way that relate to us students, so every time I got to class it is so interesting.
My mom made homemade applesauce which was super good, so when I got home that is what I had. Life is good.
Thanks for reading. Have a fantastic day!
I like what you discussed in Timothy, as well!! Very good lesson for all of us!