Sunday, August 23, 2015

The Adventure Begins: The Island is Out of Power

Dear friends and family, 
   This week has had its challenges. Good grief! haha.
  We will just cut right to it. My companion and I have gone into camping status.
  The island's electrical generator is very broken. We have been surviving for the last 6 days with no running water or electricity in our house.
  Most of the Takapoto has found a way to generate their own houses without the community generator, but there are others who don't have their own generators. Those "others" include me and my companion.
  The great thing is though is my companion comes from Montana and has been camping a lot. So we have been using her knowledge to figure out a lot of our problems. 
  I will explain why we don't have running water in our house. Our water pump is electrical, so with no power, we have no water. 
   Tuesday and Wednesday we went without a shower. Those days were super hard making the adaptation. We sang "Count Your Many Blessings" in French and Tahitian so many times.
   Thursday we decided we needed to find a way to make a shower happen. So at 6:25 am Thursday morning, we had a knock on our door. Our branch president had connected a pipe to our water cylinder and told us we could use that to put water in a bucket and take a shower.
  Sr. Stosich also figured out how to flush the toilet with no running water. We have also been brushing our teeth under the stars. And Saturday night we washed our hair under the stars. We have really been getting creative. 
  Today we even cleaned the house with no running water. We just went outside and filled our buckets.
  Ok. So that is our rough it status. It makes me think how I could have used a little bit more camping experience before coming on a mission. Those of you who know my family  should be laughing right now. hahaha. 
  And for those of our who have running water and electricity, this is a call to be grateful! There are too many things in life we take for granted.
  Well, that whole crisis happened Tuesday and then Thursday I came to the realization that some things just don't really matter. The light and water are important, but people and their salvation and spiritual growth is way more important. 
  I have seen more people read the Book of Mormon since the power has been out. It is amazing and a miracle for a missionary to see. 
  We don't know when the generator will be fixed. People say all sorts of things. This morning they were saying they are going to get a whole new generator shipped from Tahiti. If the boat comes here directly from Tahiti that will mean 2 days, but I think they are still trying to figure out exactly the problem. 
  This morning we got up and did some cophra. Pretty much Sr. Stosich and I pried open coconuts and stacked them on top of each other. The coconuts will stay there to dry out a couple of days and then the insides of the coconut will be taken out in a process they call "pita." We were helping out one of our recent converts, Mauhuta. I actually taught him in Tahiti. It was some nice work but didn't really seem to bad, because we were doing it right in front of the lagoon.
  This week has been full of blessings because so many people have given us fruit. We have received bananas, pineapple, grapes, oranges and apples. I was especially excited to eat the grapes and pineapple because it has been 3 months since I have had fruit like that. 
  We also have seen miracles with the people we teach this week. We have committed Gloria to pray about a specific baptism day. We found out why she was hesitant. That took us some time to figure out. Communicating in Tahitian really takes patience and persistence. I love Mami Gloria though. we keep on inviting her to all the little church activities we do (like English class and music class) and she comes to every one of them. It is really good for her because otherwise, she would just stay at home. 
   I also love speaking in Tahitian. It is like a puzzle because a lot of the times you describe a word because there isn't a word for it. 
  We also had a miracle FridayFriday there was a new cargo boat coming to the island. So the whole island was waiting for this boat for like 4 hours, meaning our lessons got canceled and we ended up at the dock with the rest of the island. While we were there one of the ladies were used to teach, Mahina, came up to me and asked if we could teach her English at her house. I was thrilled and Sr. Stosich and I are happy to have a new opportunity to serve.   
  Well, I just have to say how much I love this island and these people and the language. This week has really helped me to realize that and to have a little glimpse of how God loves His children.
  I hope you all have a great week! Don't forget to count your blessings.
 Tuahine Campbell

"The Picture Perfect Scene"

Dear Family and friends,
  So last week I couldn't send an email because the power was out most of the day and the were fixing the generator for the atoll. Then when we did go in to do our email, the computer had a problem I think to the loss of power earlier in the day. Then we didn't have much time and p-day ends at 6pm. Yeah, it was all a thing, but things are great now.
  So I cannot believe it is already that time, but my sister Erin, who has been serving in the Nagoya JAPAN mission for the last 18 months goes home today!! I am so happy for her. Her example has motivated me and helped me to be the missionary I am since the beginning of my life. So SHOUT OUT to Campbell shimai. I LOVE  YOU!!!!
  One of the best things of my week has been teaching Gloria every day. I just love her. She is like 65 and we are pretty sure she has had a stroke, making it hard for us to communicate, but her testimony is so strong in the Book of Mormon. 
  We teach her in Tahitian, so we really have to focus on the Spirit, but it has helped me listen better and study more. I love it, I love Gloria. Like I said last week, she never really wanted to be baptized, but because she has been reading the Book of Mormon, she has had a change of heart. Now she tells us every lesson how much she loves TE BUKA A MORMONA. 
  Her love for the book has grown as we have given her 2 or three verses to read after every lesson. It is just glorious. 
  Another miracle this week was that we found Loic! He has been like gone somewhere on this atoll for the last 3 weeks. It was great to see him. He is the one who caught the huge tuna a while back. He loves to fish. 
  So Saturday we decided to fast with one of our amis. I explained how fasting was for 24 hours without water or food and that we fast for an objective when we fast. Then I asked our amis, "So why do you want to fast?" We had already talked about dedicating this fast to overcome obstacles for baptism. Our ami responded, "to loose weight!" 
  In that a missionary I was super concerned. Then we resolved concerns and started the fast, but looking back that was so funny.
   Oh, so HEIVA (the games and dance community thing they have been doing for the last month) ended. Every team who was in it got a cow-calf to roast as a prize. So Friday we ate the calf for lunch. It was my first time eating it and it was pretty good. Actually, probably the best meat I have had on this mission, besides the fish. Then the next morning my stomach didn't feel well. oops!
  Saturday we had a lesson with one of our recent converts. We started the lesson with a hymn  and prayer and then our convert tells my companion,"You  smell like a tourist. Hasn't anyone told you before that your perfume smells like a tourist." She didn't understand so I translated. We were both really confused because she hadn't put on perfume. Then it occurred to us it was her American deodorant. Then we really started laughing. haha. Oh, the things we hear as two white sister missionaries on this atoll. It is priceless.  
 This week we contacted Cheyenne. She has seen miracles in her house, because of the example of Vaitea (our ami, who has been reading the Book of Mormon every day). 
 So we had our first lesson with her and explained the restoration and it went well. But as a missionary, you never really know if it went well until the next appointment if that ami is there. So we went back for the 2nd appointment and she wasn't there. Then yesterday Sunday we decided to stop by and see if she was home. She was home, but they were eating, so we said we would come back later that day.
  Well, the day went on and we had about an hour left before we were supposed to go home and I remembered we needed to go see Cheyenne. 
 As Sr. Stosich and I were riding our bikes over to Cheyenne's house, wondered if she would really be there. As we approached her house, we see her in her yard with two chairs for us and trying to read the Book of Mormon. It was a picture perfect scene for a missionary to see. And she was there!!
  It was a miracle. I was just ready to cry as we testified of the Book of Mormon and the church. My heart was in my mouth. It was the greatest feeling ever.  
  And that is how we ended the week. I couldn't be any happier. 
  I love you all. Thank you all for every prayer, letter and the encouragement! Have a great week!
 Tuahine Campbell

Having the best FHE and hearing "I Love You"

Hi, Everyone!
  I remembered last week after I already sent my email that I failed to give a shout out to my sister Kadee for her birthday! So HAPPY BIRTHDAY Kadee. shoutout! I love you! As you are 18 now, welcome to being independent. 
  Now as for this week. So many miracles happened. I don't know if I will be able to write about them all, but I will try. 
  To start out the week Monday night we had a branch family home evening. Sr. Sommers and I were in charge, so we delegated out the lesson and activity and watched one of the best activities I have been to here unfold. We asked 2 young adults to take charge of the lesson and activity and the turnout was just so good. They went above and beyond what we would have done as missionaries. It was also great because there were 5 investigators there too. 
  Then after the family home evening, our ward mission leader pulled out a chair for Sr. Sommers to sit on. What happened next was fun to watch. Because Sr. Sommers was getting transferred and leaving Takapoto, everyone came up and put shell necklaces around her neck that they had either bought or made by collecting little shells, then piercing them and stringing them. It was awesome. We took a bunch of pictures and by the end of the night, she had like 30 pounds of shell necklaces on her. As she was drenched in necklaces, the members wanted her to eat with all them on. We didn't do that. I helped her take them off, which was quite a task. That is what happens when you leave Takapoto. 
   Then Tuesday we really ran out of water. Our house has 2 black cylinders that collect water and the one we were using were completely out...oopppss. So we called our zone leaders to get permission to shower at a member's house and we prayed for rain. Then we found out there was still water in the other black cylinder, which was good. I was worried I would have to tell my new American companion as she got off the plane, "Welcome to Takapoto! It is like paradise here, but we don't have water." 
  So Thursday we went to the little airport here to send off my dear companion Sr. Sommers and pick up my new companion Sr. Stosich. 
  Almost everyone on the island was at the airport to send her off and put another 20 pounds of shells necklaces and leis around her neck. 
  So my new companion is Sr. Stosich. She just got finished training that means she has been out for like 5 months as a missionary. She really has the gift of tongues and works hard. She comes from a small town called Lima, Montana where there are like 200 people that live here. 
  So with Sr. Sommers (who is Tahitian) gone that has left me with the responsibility to teach in Tahitian. Good grief. I am grateful for the gift of tongues because I have fasted for it and all the sudden I LOVE teaching in Tahitian. Before I would have trouble understanding in Tahitian lessons, but now, miracles happen and things have changed.
    Friday, Sr. Stosich remembered she had my letters from the mission office with her!!! YESS! It was a happy day because the mission office doesn't send our letters often, because it is a whole thing to send them on the boat.
  Also Friday we learned one of our amis, who didn't really want the "missionary lessons" at first, is determined to stop smoking. He has started reading the Book of Mormon and feels the power of it. Within the last month as he has been learning about the gospel with us he has decreased his smoking habit from 3 packs of cigarettes a week to 2 packs a week and wants to continue. We encouraged him to pray and ask God for help to continue to stop smoking. It is wonderful because he is already having that change in his life and becoming converted. 
  OHHHH. The craziest thing happened this week. Friday Sr. Stosich and I went to go see Yves, who speaks only Tahitian and is like 50 years old. He has had missionary lessons for months now. We went over there and the spirit was so strong. We talked about 1 Nephi 10:6 and how Christ has saved us from death. At one point he asked his daughter in law to translate and she came and left because we ended up not needing it. That lesson was just full of miracles. I could feel God's love so strong. At the end of the lesson Yves was so touched he told my companion and I, "Ua here au ia orua" or "I love you guys." I have never heard those words spoken by a Tahitian before. Yves had truly felt charity, the pure love of Christ during that lesson and was changed by it. That was probably one of most marvelous experiences of my mission so far, to hear those simple words in Tahitian. 
   Saturday we put on another branch activity. The branch walked about 40 minutes together to a beautiful lagoon. It was really pretty. My companion and I then taught the members how to play signs. A couple other members played the ukelele and jammed out to Tahitian songs as we were there. Some other members took advantage of the beautiful lagoon water and went swimming. We didn't. haha. 
   Sunday was fast and testimony meeting. I knew I needed to bear my testimony because I was really touched by a letter my dad sent me explaining how my family is praying for the people of Takapoto and that my family also loves the people here. So I got up to bear my testimony and started with, "J'ai  recu un lettre de mon pere.." (I got a letter from my dad), then I continued to explain through tears with my American accent how much love God has for His children here in Takapoto  and how much my family loves them too, then of course how much I love them. The spirit was strong and had touched my heart. I felt soo much love for the people.
  Then we had a miracle, because not very many usually stay for the Gospel Principle's class for the 2nd hour, but so many people stayed. It was kind of intimidating because we as missionaries were supposed to teach the class, but everyone participated and learned something. We talked about service.       Later that day we ended up at our ami, Mami Gloria's house. Mami Gloria has taken the lessons since Sr. Kimball served here, so about a year. Sr. Sommers and I have been praying to have a miracle with her for 3 months now. We haven't known what to do, because the lessons are in Tahitian and sometimes we don't understand or she doesn't understand, but last week we asked her to read Mosiah 18:8-10 about the people of Alma and  baptism. She had already read those verses like 2 other times. Well, Sunday I was asking her about what she read and baptism and she tells us she wants to be baptized! I have no idea where that came from, but I was studying about charity this morning and really thinking about Gloria and I think I have and idea.
  1 Cor 13:13 talks about faith, hope, and charity, and that out of the three charity is  the greatest. For the last 3 months, we have prayed and visited Gloria with faith and hope that God would work a miracle. About 1 month ago Gloria was sick and had to go to Tahiti to get medical help. Ever since that trail, Sr. Sommers and I were there for her to encourage her with her sickness and get a priesthood blessing and everything, going to her house just every now and then to check up on her. Put simply: we were really trying to serve her. Then she came back from Tahiti pretty much healed.  God orchestrated a miracle for us because now she has just had a huge change of heart. 
  Being with her yesterday was just an awesome feeling. I was able to speak with her in Tahitian and encourage her. That was a miracle too.
  I could just go on and on. My mind is blown by thing changes we have seen in the amis this week. Surely God is in the details of our lives and is mindful of His people here in the isles of the sea. 

Tuahine Campbell

Saturday, August 1, 2015

No Water, Sacrifice, and Miracles

Bonjour mes  amis et ma famille,
  Je vous aime! E here au ia outou!

  This week was full of many experiences. I will start out saying that Sr. Sommers and I planned during weekly planning last week to make a sacrifice to see some miracles with the amis we have. We decided that we would fast 3 times during the week for our amis. Well, you all will read throughout this email, there were many miracles to follow that sacrifice. 

  First off, Tuesday I was reminded to be grateful for the running water and electricity we have as the power was out almost all day, meaning we didn't have running water, but it was only one day and a good experience. It happened because the whole islands runs off of like 2 generators and they have been using a lot of electricity to power the lights for the HEIVA games every night. All in all the generators were exhausted. Since we didn't have any light in the house, we did our language study at night under the stars. The stars here are incredible. That experience without water and electricity throughout the day, brought my companion and I to our knees at night really just thanking God for the light and water we had in the past, that we never were grateful enough for. 

  Wednesday we had many miracles with the amis that we fasted for.
  One of our amis, Jean Paul, who at first didn't want anything to do with us, told us that since he has started learning about the gospel with us, he has stopped drinking. 

  We haven't even talked about the word of wisdom with him yet, but he has already started to make changes in his life to keep that commandment. 

  We also had a lesson with Vaitea, who is loving studying the Book of Mormon with us. He usually studies the Book of Mormon for 2 hours daily and Wed. we found out that before he reads he refrains from smoking for 3 hours. 

  Again huge miracle, because we have focused on the Book of Mormon with him haven't committed him to stop smoking yet. 

  OHHH yeah, we also found out this week my companion, Sr. Sommers is getting transferred this Thursday. It was a surprise for us because normally the transfers are in like 2 weeks. We put all her stuff on the boat that came Saturday, to go to Tahiti. We got the transfer call Friday night. The miracle was though, that she was already ready. So packing Friday night wasn't that stressful.
  Sunday we had a district conference. Pretty much it is a branch conference. There were 6 priesthood leaders that came on a boat Saturday from other islands. 

  Wednesday during our coordination meeting we found out we needed to have a choir for the conference Sunday. Sr. Sommers and I headed that one up. We held practices two nights in a row and the members were supportive. 

  The Sunday conference came and the choir sang "Seigneur Je Te Suivrai" (Lord, I would Follow Thee) and "I Know that My Redeemer Lives." They did well for only two practices. 
  Also Sunday we put on a fireside. We decided to delegate. Throughout the week we asked families to prepare a song to sing as a family about Christ. Then we asked a couple of members to share their testimonies about the Savior's role in their life. 
  The  program went really well and the Spirit was super strong. It was really simple. There were 6 families who each sang a different hymn about Christ, but there were many in tears at the end. It was an evening where the Savior's love was felt by families. 
I was so happy that the night was a spiritually edifying experience for the members. Music is so so so powerful.

  As I accompanied on the piano, my heart was full. It was like I was at home accompanying my sisters on Sunday night as they played hymns on the violin. 

  Today Sr. Sommers and I went fishing again. It was a good day to fish. The sun was bright and everything. We saw sharks and the water was so relaxing. I love the beach. I love serving a mission in paradise. During the week it is easy to work hard with the work,  but preparation day..... ahhhhhhh, yeah the best water in the world is here. I have never been in it, but the way it looks is breathtaking. AND now my hands smell like fish!! hehe. 

                                         Well, hope you all have a good week!
                                                     Soeur Campbell

Tehiva family and their backyard

cleaning fish like a tahitian..then we ate it.. hehe (check out those sandal tan lines:)

The ocean here, it doesn't look the same as the lagoon at all. The lagoon is prettier